answers for AP SSC biology important vsa questions-part1


  1. The wave length of visible light is 400 to 700 nm. And it lies between ultraviolet rays and infra red rays.
  2. Carbon dioxide diffuses through epidermis in submerged plants in the form of carbonates and bicarbonates.
  3. ATP and NADPH are the end products of light reactions.
  4. Phosphoglyceric acid is the first stable product formed in dark reaction. Melvin Calvin won the noble prize for his work in photosynthesis.
  5. Respiratory enzymes are inactivated in low temperatures. More over many microorganisms cannot thrive at cool temperatures.
  6. The walls of trachea are prevented by C shaped cartilaginous rings. They prevent trachea from collapsing.
  7. a) Glottis: Pharynx is connected to larynx through a slit like opening called glottis.

b) Epiglottis: It is like a cartilaginous flap which acts as a lid over glottis and prevents the entry of food into trachea while swallowing.

8. The membranes that enclose the lungs are called pleura.

9. Alveoli are the structural and functional units of lungs. They are several thousands and help in the

Exchange of gases.

10.   A) skin respiration   -   cutaneous respiration

b) Gill respiration    -   branchial respiration

c) Trachea respiration- tracheal respiration

D) Lung respiration    - pulmonary respiration.

11. Blue color blood – crabs and snails, white colour blood – insects, red color blood – mammals, reptiles.

12. Two chambered heart- fishes, three chambered heart-amphibians, incompletely divided ventricle-reptiles

Four chambered heart- aves and mammals.

13. Caval veins (2 precavals and one post caval) unite to form sinus venosus. It is seen in fishes and


14. The arteries receive blood directly from heart by contraction. So there is more pressure in arteries.

15. Normal blood pressure is 120/80. Instrument used for measuring BP is sphygmomanometer.

16. The study of blood is called hematology.

17. 0.9% NaCl is called saline.

18. Heparin is an organic compound which helps in preventing the clotting of blood in blood in blood vessels

19. Sugars, amino acids, fatty acids, urea, lipids and proteins are major proteins in blood. A part from this

Heparin, albumin, globulins, fibrinogen and prothrombin are also present.

20. Administering of blood through vein is called blood transfusion.

21. Mixing of blood of two samples results in clumping of blood. This clumping of blood is called agglutination.

22. Karl Landsteiner discovered blood groups.

23. Responding to the changes in the environment is called irritability.

24. The suppression of lateral buds by the terminal bud is called apical dominance. This is due to auxins

25. Gibberellins are first isolated from the culture of a fungus called gibberella fuzikori.

* Formation of seedless fruits is called parthenocarpy.

26. The tissue on which the hormones act is called target tissue.

27. The gland which has both endocrine part and exocrine part is called mixed gland. Ex: Pancreas

Islets of langerhans of pancreas secrete hormones

28. Male sex hormone is called testosterone secreted by testis. Female sex hormone is oestrogen secreted


29. Pancreas produce insulin and glucagon.Insulin converts glucose into glycogen which is stored in liver. If insulin is produced in less quantity glucose is excreted through urine. This condition is called as diabetes insipidus.

30. In some neurons the axons are covered by a fat material called myelin. Myelin prevents the leakage of

information and helps to conduct the impulses faster.


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Ramu Magham is an English Language Teacher who drives his students crazy with trending technologies and current happenings.


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