Beware of Danger

Beware of Danger

Beware of Danger is an article based on the true accident happened recently in kavali. The characters are fictitious. I know Rahul, who is the only son of Mr. RangaRao and Mrs. Janaki, as a brilliant student in the local high school. I heard  Mr. RangaRao often used to say that his son would be among the best ten in the coming year examinations. I did feel so.

Three days to go to write his examinations and prove himself. He wished to go for a swim in the nearest pond. His father didn't agree as there would be a danger.  Rahul remarked his father," Dad, if we start fear of something, we shall fear of every thing in this world atleast to step out of this room. Because there is danger every where in this world." His father was convinced and sent.

Rahul went for swim at 4 PM. Mrs. Janaki was waiting at the door till 10 pm waiting for her son. But he didn't come. How could she know that he would n't come at all. Mr. Rangarao came back to his house at 11-00PM with  a dead body in an Ambulance. Ms. Janaki broke down and became pale.

Mr. Rangarao always worked hard to give his best earn to his son as a memory of him. Instead, All he is left with a pot of ash of his son's body and his memories.

We do not know where the fate leads us. But sometimes we may be instructed before the fate takes us. Students and youth,  I suggest through this article only one thing. Let your parents have pride of looking you or atleast give them a chance to look at you until they leave this world. Beware when you drive a bike at 100 kmph on a busy Road. Beware when you enjoy a happy swim with your friends. Beware when you go alone during night.  Beware of Danger , Fate is always waiting to take it's chance.



Written by

Ramu Magham is an English Language Teacher who drives his students crazy with trending technologies and current happenings.


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