"Holodeck” , a virtual world in reality, 3D immersed video was created By Mr. Oliver Kreylos

Want to enter virtual world? Want to play virtual games using your smart phone? Yeah! It is possible in near future. Mr. Kreylos , a professor at University of California Davis, has created a 3D video representation of himself into virtual world combining three Kinects with an Oculus Rift.

He fixed Kinects Peripherals for Microsoft X box in an equilateral triangle to capture his image, which he and we can see his image moving in virtual world as he is moving in reality. You can see in the following video though it is fuzzy, It’ll be clear in our upcoming days. It was not an animation Hollywood fiction movie. It is real. It takes sometime to your mind that it is immature. Yes, it is a prototype and still to be developed and being developed.

It was known from a source Apple has patented holographic phones which will be available in near future. But there were big debates about how it is going to affect young children. However, 3D has already marked its seat fixed as much useful feature like 3D printing which can take the exact pictures of human organs and highly helpful in transplantations

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Ramu Magham is an English Language Teacher who drives his students crazy with trending technologies and current happenings.


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